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We offer a maximum of 10 items at a time to be checked out by each patron.  Books may be checked out for two weeks at a time.  Videos and DVDs may be checked out for one week. Patrons must have their cards to check out books.


Interlibrary Loans

We participate in an Interlibrary Loan service in order to obtain materials not available in our collection.  This service depends on the generosity of public and academic libraries across the state.  For security reasons interlibrary loan materials must be signed out from the front desk. In order to receive this privilege the borrower agrees to:  1.  Accept responsibility for materials between signing out and signing in. This includes cost of damage to or loss of borrowed item. 2. Return the materials by the date due marked on the interlibrary loan slip. Not returning materials to the lending library on time may jeopardize our ability to continue receiving interlibrary loan services from that library. Please make every effort to return this material by the due date.  Please note: Borrowers may be required to have a valid library card with the MLN system in order to check out Interlibrary Loan materials.

Books on Tape and CD

We offer a wide selection of books on tape, with an ever-growing collection of books on CD. 






We charge $.25 per photocopied page.


Fax Service

We offer FAX service at $1 per page, either sending or receiving. 





  • EBSCOhost offers thousands of journal, magazine, newspaper titles with fully searchable full text articles covering a vast array of subjects in health, business, general information. Includes Searchasaurus database for children. Use your library card number for home access.


Computer/Internet Access

We offer 5 public access computers free of charge, though patrons must have their library card in order to use them.  We currently have a time limit of 45 minutes per patron.  Children under 15 years of age must have a parental permission slip signed in order to access the internet.  Children under 12 must have an adult with them to use the internet.  We also offer wireless internet access in 1 hour, 2 hour or 4 hour time increments.  To use this free service, patrons must provide their own wireless capable laptop computer and ask to use the service at our circulation desk.  Staff will then provide a wireless access login and password for the requested amount of time.  Patrons will then have 24 hours in which to use that alotted amount of time.  If more time is needed, another session can be requested, free of charge.



eBooks and Audiobooks

Through the WV Reads program, we offer a selection of eBooks for download to your reading device.  Whether it's your laptop, an iPad, Kindle or Nook, APL has a selection of eBooks that are compatible with your reading device.  See the staff for more details.

Computer Printing Service

We charge $.25 fee per page and can print in black & white only.

Tax Forms

We offer State & Federal tax forms on-site during tax season.  If there you need forms that we do not have on hand, we are able to print them from the IRS website in most cases.​

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